Come join us.

On a Mission

Annual Craft Fair

May 4th from 10 to 3

Check under “At St. Paul’s” for more information.

Sacramental - Spiritual - Traditional



8:00 a.m. Holy Communion
9:15 a.m. Bible Study 10:15 a.m. Holy Communion


11:30 a.m. Healing Service


6:00 p.m. Evening Prayer (This is a new time.)

Each of our services at Church can also be accessed on YouTube and Zoom (pw: SPAC).

Be sure to check our Resources’ tab as well.

Confessions heard @ 11, first Saturday of each month, or by appointment.

St. Paul's Anglican Church belongs to the Diocese of Mid-America
(DMA) of the Reformed Episcopal Church (REC), a founding jurisdiction of the Anglican Church of North America (ACNA).


St. Paul's Anglican Church believes in the orthodox Faith "once delivered unto the saints." [Jude 3] Our theology, faith, morals, and practices are based upon
Holy Scriptures interpreted by 2000 years of Church tradition, as summarized in the Creeds.
"Join us on this traditional path to worship."